Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The IRS targeting of conservative

The IRS targeting of conservative groups and the Democrats working to hide the evidence and brush this under the rug. Now we see the IRS has conveniently lost the emails from the years in question. Not only is this excuse a complete joke, its an insult to the intelligence of the American People. The excuses they are using are not even possible but we are expected to accept it? We DO NOT. 

Why are the Democrats helping to cover up the wrongdoing of the IRS? 

Why do so many Democrats turn a blind eye to the UNEXEPTABLE behavior of the IRS? To have such an extreme partisan in charge seems a bit UNETHICAL to say the least. 

You are not elected to represent the Democrat party. You were elected to represent the American People. This should not be a partisan issue but an American issue. The IRS targeting represents the highest form of corruption striking at the heart of TRUST in our Government. I would really like to see some Democrats stand with The American People instead of contributing to the efforts to cover it up. This is a root cause of the Democrat party no 

How can I, in good conscious pay taxes to an agency that will use that money to target people based on specific beliefs? 

Whats next, religous targeting depending on what God you prey to? Christians pay more taxes while muslims don't pay any taxes.

This administration shows a disdain for the Constitution, disregards the rule of law and has created an atmosphere of hostility and division among Americans. The President is disrespectful of half of the country, demonstrating aggressive discrimination against Republicans and conservatives. Lying and misleading Democrats. Boldly passing executive orders not consistent with previous administrations executive orders. POTUS is not allowed to pass executive orders that directly impact the American People but rather should be limited to internal Government policies and staff.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reply from Dianne Feinstein - CIA spying on Senate

Dear Mr. Ardolino:

Thank you for your letter regarding actions taken by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials in connection to the Senate Intelligence Committee's Report on the CIA Detention and Interrogation Program.  I value knowing your views on this important subject, and welcome the opportunity to respond.

As you may be aware, on March 11, 2014, I delivered a Floor statement expressing my concern that CIA personnel had searched computers used by Senate Intelligence Committee staff reviewing documents related to the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program.  For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of my statement, which further outlines my concerns.

I also welcome the opportunity to describe the difference between the CIA's actions in this regard and National Security Agency (NSA) activities, which some have conflated.

First and foremost, despite what has been reported in the press, the NSA does not conduct mass surveillance on U.S. citizens.   Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, in order to access the contents of a U.S. person's electronic communications, the government must demonstrate probable cause that the individual is involved in international terrorism and obtain a court order.  For an explanation of intelligence programs operated by the NSA under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, please visit here or http://tinyurl.com/NSA-FISA. 

Second, the issue posed by the conduct of CIA officials is not about the personal privacy of my staff.  It is about the Agency's attempt to interfere with Congress' ability to conduct oversight of the Intelligence Community.  My statements were made in an effort to preserve that oversight, so that the Senate Intelligence Committee can continue to hold the CIA, NSA, and the 14 other intelligence agencies accountable to the American public. 

Again, thank you for writing.   I hope the information provided in this letter has helped clarify the situation for you, and that you will continue to be in touch on issues that matter to you.  Should you have any additional comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,

  Dianne Feinstein
         United States Senator

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The illegal overthrow of the Ukrainian Government

03/06/2014, 10:06:12, Vincent

The President is again going outside his authority. The illegal overthrow of the Ukrainian Government. This is stunning how wrong President Obama is. I saw this happening before Russia even started indicating the same thing. They are working with the original leader of Ukraine. What I see is the US Government didn't want to see Ukraine shift back toward Russia and is going to try and overthrow the Government of Ukraine.

We are working against the people of the Ukraine, preventing them from voting & calling it a crime if they do vote. What justification do we have to be involved? John Kerry is referring to “The legitimate Government” however, who has determined who the ”legitimate Government” is? This was not for the US to decide yet it looks to me that John Kerry and Barrack Obama have done just that.

This is not legal and yet Obama just makes another “Executive Order” like he can just ramp up the misinformation that can lead to WWIII under some swipes of his pen and dialling some digits on that phone of his. He is operating way outside of Americas wishes and national security. He is risking our national security. He is looking for a legacy and this is dangerous games he is playing. Its not Russia that needs to pull back, its America that has stuck its nose where its shouldn't be. 

Follow-up: 03/12/2014

More evidence has come out that supports my original concerns that I sent to you on 3/6/2014. Witnesses on the day that protesters were killed. She witnessed sniper fire coming from the windows in nearby buildings. Witness also indicated that police were among the victims killed that day. Something not reported in US media. Obama is supporting terrorist in an effort to overthrow a legitimate elected prime minister. More and more it is clear this is a false narrative and is not within presidents power to support the illegal ouster of a sovereign territories elected leader

This is more and more clear every day. The US Government is supporting terrorist in an effort to force a regime change from a Democratically elected to an interim US backed terrorist Government. As you can guess, I along with any informed citizen are deeply troubled by the lack of response to these crimes. This sort of thing has been happening way too often under Obama's time in office. It started with Egypt and Syria all under similar circumstances. A false attack on innocent protesters is the best way to rally an opposition.

Where are the Democrats that still care about the Constitution and this country as it was founded and as it was meant to be?

The American People deserve much better.